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Writer's pictureRay Alner

Race to Mediocrity

For decades now we have experienced some of the fastest leaps and greatest golden ages of our time. But if recent events are any indication, we need to be watchful for the worldwide Race to Mediocrity.

We have been so focused on our worlds wealth and wellbeing, we have lost sight of what made us so successful. We don’t know how to improve, innovate and be better as a world. We are falling into our historic failures of mercantilism and protectionism.

Just as people don’t notice the aging that happens to the people we are around, we aren’t noticing or aren’t acting against this Race to Mediocrity.

We accept it as a part of life.

As corporate profits rise, we accept it.

As C-suite & executive employees get golden parachutes, we accept it.

As stock buy backs continue at record rates, boosting the most valuable companies, we accept it.

As wealth continues to accumulate to the top 1% at record rates, we accept it.

As mergers and acquisitions continue to increase, ruining further competition & pure innovation, we accept it.

As life expectancy falls to record lows, we accept it.

As schools fail to educate our next generation, and students learn more about life from TikTok, we accept it.

As we check out our own groceries, we accept it.

As we stay on hold for hours to talk to a human about a corporations billing mistakes, we accept it.

As products we spend good money on continue to fail far before they used to, we accept it.

I can go on, but I think you get it now, WE ACCEPT IT.

We continue to advance technology to make the world marginally better for the many and exceptionally better for the few, while continually accept the ever decreasing support and care for the increasing money we spend on goods and services.

And we should be exasperated about it.

We have trained ourselves that this is the OK, so we haven’t stopped to think about how we can continue to better the world.

I am truly hoping that the next generation of business owners and corporate managers will have a passion to make things better. I am hoping that we can get out of this Race to Mediocrity.

I’m hoping that the next generation of movies we release won’t be about a dystopian future, but about a future we can be proud of.

A future where corporations care about their employees’ lives.

A future where employees feel supported and proud of the massive corporations they represent.

A future where we can be proud of the environmental progress we’ve made.

This Race to Mediocrity must end.

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